Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, less than 2 hours and I will officially be 31 years old!!! Ugh, it sounds so old, but I still feel immature and very young! Not sure that is all a good thing!
Maybe a little something about me you did not know was that 31 years ago in 1978, there was a terrible and historical ice storm in Dallas. My mom had already planned to have me at home and had been seeing her midwife, Donna throughout the pregnancy. On the 30th,, my mom went into labor with me. The weather worsened and the power went out, so they send my Uncle Jeff out to Euless to pick up Donna, the Midwife. Uncle Jeff still remembers the treacherous drive going to get her. By around 6:30 am on December 31st, 1978, my mom gave birth to a very healthy baby girl, that's me! I was born at home with flashlights and a fire. Very crazy, but it made for a great story!
27 years after Donna delivered me, she assisted me in delivering my little Princess, Emme at home. Some people call us crazy, or careless, but to each their own!!
So here I am 31 years later with a great husband, Precious daughter, home, and everything we need, and our health, and I could not be more thankful. I hope for many many more years like this one. I am so happy with my life and family, friends, old and new!
Happy Birthday Me!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh where, Oh where could my camera be???

Oh yes, I left it behind at my parents house! Ugh! It will arrive tomorrow, and I can't wait to download my Christmas pictures and post and blog. So stay tuned and shall update soon with everything we have been up to.
Until next time...
Oh wait...nevermind!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

60 Wonderful Years

Today we celebrated 60 years of fabulous marriage for my Grandparents. They are so incredible sweet to one another and they truly complete each other. Granny is literally the eyes for Grandfather as his sight has failed him in the last couple of years. He is her true companion in everything they do. After 60 years of marriage and being well into their 80's they are still as in love as they were when they were dating. I cannot fathom knowing and loving someone that long. I hope that I can accomplish the same successful and amazing marriage. Thank you for modeling such a loving relationship to your children, grandchildren, and now your great grand children. I love you so much.
They celebrated by staying at the beautiful Gaylord Texan for two nights. We met them there this morning for a huge breakfast. It was great to share breakfastwith them and then tour around the hotel and take lots of pictures in all the fun locations. The girls really thought they were on a photo shoot! I only posted a couple of pictures, but there are millions, believe me!!
Granny and Papa 60 Years!
Granny and Papa and 3 of their 12 Great Grand Children

Heidi, Hannah, and Emme
Miss Priss!
This evening, Heidi and Hannah came over so mom and dad could go on a much needed date. We ate pizza, watched a Christmas movie and then topped off the evening with a gingerbread house. They could hardly contain themselves from eating all the candy before it went on house. It was lovely, then they got a couple of minutes to enjoy the candy. Now they are off playing tag!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday was Emme's very first movie debut. We took her to see The Princess and the Frog. It was very cute. She got all dressed up and insisted on her navy and red apple shoes to wear with her Christmas dress because they matched....they had red in them!!! She packed her new Sleeping Beauty purse full of the nessecities, brush, lipstick, fake cell phone, McDonalds toy, and plenty of jewelry. We handed her $5 for her snacks at the movies, so she put it in her purse and acted like she was 16! She got to carry her own ticket in and pay the man when she ordered her own popcorn. She really thought she was very important stuff! Once in the movie, she got comfortable and enjoyed all the very long previews and finally the movie began. She did great for about an hour, then she needed a bathroom break and to run in the lobby. She did finish it out, but I really think hubby enjoyed the movie more than she did!!! Oh yes, only one picture from this special day, as I could not figure my cameras flash out. Very frustrating!
Thursday, Emme got to enjoy her class party at school. The parents were invited to join in on the fun and enjoy a small performance. I was ready with camera and video camera in hand. Even Daddy got to go too. All the kids were pumped. They had cupcakes, cookies, different cupcakes, candy canes, Hawaiin punch, received more goodies from all their friends, and a great gift from the teacher. Uh, and to think I was brave enough to let 3 extra little girls go home with me after all the sugar!!!!
The all were wearing their reindeer hats made from their foot print and hand prints.

All the kids presented their parents with this ornament they made from their fingerprints. I love it! I will forever decorate my tree with all the homemade ornaments!
Emme and Addy enjoying some more sugar!!!
Showing off a cookie!
I am going to attempt to attach a video of her song performance, so stay posted for it soon. Oh yes, the kids also got to serve the parents juice and cupcakes. They were so proud of themselves. Emme really has gotten into a great group of kiddos at a great school. Her teacher is great, and has to have a special gift to handle that group of energetic 3 and 4 years old!!! Thank you Jesus!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Catching Up

Shall we catch up? I will go through pictures for the month that lead up to today for our update!
Emme put on my sleep mask and said it was her bra. She is so funny! Emme also tried on Daddy's underpants!!

Emme posed on the ladder to the attic! Right after this picture she let go to adjust her hat and fell off! Oops!!

Miss Emme decorating the tree. It took me a while to get it together to actually decorate. I usually can't wait for Thanksgiving to be over, but this year I had a little trouble getting into gear. However, I did have all my Christmas shopping just about finished before Thanksgiving. Shopping is that part I love about Christmas!

Daddy helped Emme put the star on the tree.

Wylie held their annual Christmas Parade downtown. We love living in a small town, because they offer so many things to do during the holidays and Fall. It was more than cold at the parade. We ended up leaving early and headed for mexican food instead so we could warm up. We went with our good friends kristy and Tyler.
Me and my precious before the parade began. This picture actually made it to our Christmas card.
She was cold and probably a bit miserable, so she is doing her tooty face!

This was the other picture that made it to our card this year. She did so good. I was pleasantly surprised when she sat down, I took two pictures and this was the first and there was no bribery needed!
Today was her Christmas Show Off at Dance. She did everything but dance!! She stood there and smiled, giggled, dug in her nose, fell down, faked falling down, talked...and so on. We are wondering if we are wasting our money on tuition for her!! Hopefully she will improve before June when she has her big recital.
Here she fell down and thought that was fun, so she did it again!!
Emme and her good friend Addy. They are cute together and they also go to school together.
After the show, they got to have a party complete with cupcakes, 2 cookies, chips, Caprisun, and suckerss!! I was in ahh at how much sugar they were given.
After dance today, we headed to Northpark for some shopping and Christmas festivities. We got to see the dogs and cats for adoption. Emme loved that! But we are dog free right now and I do not plan on adding a pet to our family....ever!
We went to see the train exhibit. That was neat. Amazing how they can make everything so little! E had a great time. Don't you love the paper conductor hat??
Another pic by the animals.
View atop dad's shoulders.

Okay, do you think she is a diva or what!? This is her new stance when posing at anytime. I absolutely love it!!
While we were at the mall we saw Santa, but Emme would not get close. She says she is affraid of him and does not like his beard. We got to enjoy a puppet show. It was Emme's first puppet show and she called it a Poppit Show! She really liked and it was really on her level. If you haven't gone, you should go. It is all free except the trains!
I am planning to take her to see The Princess and the Frog on Wednesday, so pictures shall follow.
Well, excluding making memories with my daughter and hubby, my other favorite part of the day was when hubby let me open my present. I will post some pictures of my early Chrsitmas present. The absolute best ever!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, after a family dinner, we made chocolate chip cookies together too. I love, love, love family days! Best ever!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well, I am at a loss as to what to blog about today. I know I haven't blogged about Tday yet, and I plan to soon. So I will put that on my to do list! I haven't put up my tree, but I am planning to!!
So, I will get back with yall tomorrow...hopefully. I will put my thoughts together and try to organize!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Party Time

Today we had a blast at our Cookie Making Party. We had a couple of friends over from Emme's class long with some of their siblings and we decorated cookies, and made handprint Turkey's. The kids had a great time. There was a total of 9 kids and 5 Moms! The kids played dress-up, played in the backyard, watched a movie, and ran around like crazy kids. I got to visit with all the Moms. It was a lot of fun, and now I am exhausted.
Tomorrow is Tday Eve, therefore, it means I must clean the house and get to cooking and setting up the house for lots of family. Uh, I can't wait for Friday, so I can relax and eat leftovers!! Oh wait, there will be no rest for me, it will be time to decorate for Christmas!!! Maybe in January I can relax.
KK, Addy, Emme, and Kaylor
Emme, Heidi, and Hannah

Hard at work creating their masterpieces!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Baking and Date Night

Emme helped me make sugar cookies for her cookie decorating party tomorrow with some kids from her class. She loved to flour her roller and roll it out. She was talking about how she was doing everything, she sounded like Rachel Ray!! Oh, yes, she is only wearing panties with her apron!!!
No, it is not me on a date with hubby, but Miss Emme is on a date with Daddy! She was very excited to dress-up in a fancy dress. She got herself all dressed and put her headband in and she wanted make-up and perfume! I asked her where they were going on the date and she said "Chicken Lay" (Chick Fil A). Whoohoo, what a great extravagant date!
Wow, I am so lucky to have a husband that loves his daughter and will take her and treat her so special!! and me too!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Updated Pictures

I know I already blogged about our morning, but let me just say it again...It was such a great morning!
After lounging for hours this morning, we met Emme's friends KK (Kennedy) and Kaylor at Chick Fil A for lunch and 2 hours of play. Then we picked up hubby and went to Walmart for the Thanksgiving Day spread. I got a 21lbs turkey. I do hope it is enough for the big clan coming to our house. When we got home, we all played outside for a couple of hours. It was absolutely priceless to see David and Emme play baseball together. He showed her how to handle the bat and hit and throw the ball. She thought it was the most fun when the ball would roll in the street and she got to go get it. When they first started to play, Emme told Daddy that she needed her hat. That is my girl, needing all the right accesories to play the sport! The outfit is more fun than the actual event! We agreed, she is more likely to be the cheerleader than the athlete. She does like to move and is coodinated, but she enjoys being voistrous and cheering for everyone. She throws her arms around and claps. Too cute. She had a great time.
Emme hand washing my car with a small water spray bottle and dish towel!!
Taking a stroll on her scooter before we went to dinner. She was loving her new coat with matching hat. O and don't forget the hideous princess backpack on her back!

Today, she figured out how to get on top of my car. She was on the very top dancing and then would slide down the windshield! Such a character.

Priceless photo of daddy and his girl learning about a baseball!

Daddy even put on the pink baseball hat!

O what a Daddy will do to get his baby girl to smile!!!

Here she is pushing the boundaries riding her bike in the street. She said she could becuase the big boy neighbors had just come by on their bikes and rode in the street!

Great Life....Thankful!!

Ah, I am the happiest girl around right now!!
I am still in my bed (9:50am) with a huge cup of coffee, a computer in my lap, husband by my side, and Emme is playing with her cousin Hannah in her room. It is rainy outside, the house is clean, the laundry is done (needs to be put away, but folded) and we have lunch plans too.
We are about to get up and get ready for a lunch date at Chick Fil A with our friends Staphanie and Kennedy. Kennedy is a little girl in Emme's class.
Oh, just saw an advertisement for a new Disney Princess movie to start Dec 13th. I think we will make this Emme's movie debut!! David and I decided to plan a great day to see the movie complete with popcorn and treats! We will definately post pics for this day.
It is going to be a fun weekend. Hubby is going to go to the Mavs game with my little brother tonight. They have courtside seats, so of course hubby is stoked. Tomorrow we are going to finish a little Santa shopping and then Saturday night, we are going to head the The Ranch House (Dance!) for some adult time with friends!!!
OOO yeah, hubby and I began planning our winter vacation....Skiing with the whole family!!! Whooohooo!! I have never been, but we are hoping to go with friends too. I can do the bunny slopes with Emme!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bad Blogger

Oh have been bad, and I said I wouldn't let up this time blogging. We have been pretty busy...
It may not be a lot of errands we stay busy with, but David has been working tons, so I must entertain Emme at all times, which includes every waking minute with her!!!
I am a bit emotionally drained from the long stint of no husband being home. Even Emme acts out after Daddy has been gone a lot. It is hard on a Daddy's Girl and even harder on Daddy when E is mean to him when he is home.
I am a little irritated with the whole bedtime routine thing, or lack there of.. I try to stay consistand with a book, rock, kisses, but this is were it gets so hard, because she insists on me sitting there watching her go to sleep. I have thing I have got to do, that I have put off until she goes to bed. Anyways, since last Februaury bedtime has been a battle with her. We made the mistake of letting her sleep in the bed with me because she was scared, and now I can't get her back to her room for an entire night. She will go to bed in her as long as I watch her and I can't leave until she is out or it is war melt down. Then after she sleeps for 1 to 3 hours, she is up and comes to get on her pallet in our room, becuase I refuse to let her in our bed. I just want it back to the way it used to be when she would fall asleep in her room, in her bed all by herself and then sleep soundly until 8 or 9. Pity party for myself!! Suggestions accepted, or she could come stay with you!!!
We had soccer tonight, I am figuring out we need some extra coaching on the side. So Dad if you read this, your daughter needs some help from you!! She does like it and they play lots of fun games.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention my sweet dear sister's hideous gift she gave Emme! It starts back when Heidi was going to start PreK and I bought her the back pack she wanted. Picture a lovely Disney Princess sparkly number for a backpack, yes, I know lovely! We hate character crap, and do not allow our kids to wear it in public on anything!! So anyhow, Holly always said wait till you have one and payback is hell! She was right, it is hell, she came over with a very sparkly, satin, and shiny, Princess Backpack for Emme. (I will have to take a pic). Well, it could not have been any worse, Emme loves it and could not wait to pack it up for school the next day. She was so proud showing everyone!! Yuck! So much for the cute Roxy backpack I just got her!! So thanks Holly!!!
Post more later of a day to day life!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Great Day!!!

What a wonderful day this has turned out to be...
Emme slept late, Daddy took her to school, then I got to shower all by myself! There was no little girl stealing the water or soap, and I had lots of room to move around. Oh the little things!
I then headed to Starbucks and got a holiday favorite...Peppermint Mocha in a red holidat cup. That is my absolute favorite time to the year (except of course Christmas and my Birthday). Anyways, I took the first warm sip and it brought a smile to my mouth. Ah, Heaven!
I then came over to my sisters for a day of hair. Candy our hair dresser took the day to come out to Holly's house to do all of our hair. I am now beautiful and blonder!
Now I have picked up Emme from school and she is awaiting her cousin to be finished with her haircut and then she gets to have hers done. Emme really does very good when she gets her hair cut. She is really very still.
My most favorite thing (almost)!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

We had a BUZZZZZingly good weekend!!
Emme went as a Bumble Bee. She was very excited to dress up for Halloween. I don't think she fully understood what it was when people asked her what she was going to be and she answered with "A Bumble Bee", but after getting dressed up and setting out for treats, she totally got it.
First we set up for our 7th Annual Halloween Dinner at my house complete with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and LaMadeline Tomato Basil Soup. After a quick dinner, all the kids got into costume and we set off to tackle to neighborhood, looking for porch lights a glow!! Emme caught on fast to only go to the doors that had lights on. She made a hall of yummy candy. She kept trying to eat it the whole time.
After trick or treating for a couple of hours, Me, Emme, Kristy, and Tyler retreated back to my house to relax. Kristy and I watched an old Scream movie and Emme and Tyler trashed her room until almost 11pm. I can't beleive Emme could stay up that late.
We took pics for Daddy since he was at the firehouse.
Oh yeah, Saturday morning, Emme and I headed out to the firehouse to carve 2 pumpkins with Daddy. Mainly Daddy carved and Emme sat and ate chips and brownies and entertained the Firefighters with her silly comments and cute dances!!! She is crazy and loves the attention all those men give her up there!!
Until next time...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Fun

We had a fabulous time at the Wylie downtown Trick or Treat event. It is so nice to live in a small town and be able to do all the fun events that small towns can do.
We went early to downtown wylie with our best buds Tyler and Kristy and ate pancakes at Ballard Street Cafe (yummy) then headed outside for more treats and bounce houses you could ever imagine. The best part was that it was all completely free!!
Tyler and Emme all dressed up
Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, my precious Bumble Bee
Here is a picture of Emme at soccer from the other day, I finally uploaded pics and was able to post. She did so good. She is thankfullly coordinated like her Daddy!!

More posts to come tomorrow on all our fun Halloween events!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Blog, Or Not To Blog.....

That is the question!!
I will take another stab at blogging and see if I can keep it up. I really like to blog, I think it will be fun to look back on and read the old posts someday. So here I go again!!
I will begin with today...
We woke up to our lunch plans being cancelled, so we planned another outing for us girls. We got dolled up and headed to the nail salon for Emme to get her Halloween nails and toes. Very cute orange with jack-o-lantern thumbs and big toes. Then we set off to Northpark for some unneeded shopping and lunch at LaMadeline. Emme is a great shopper, especially when you get free gum at the Sketchers store!! We got Emme some unneeded clothes and a Birthday gift. I did however, not get sucked in to the $80 boots for Emme I so badly wanted to buy her!! I pat myself on the back for saying NO!!
When we got home, we planted Pansies in the front flower beds and Emme mowed the lawn woth her cute pink mower and had some great scooter time!
Our friends Kristy and Tyler stopped by for some visiting time and then we all headed off to the very first day of Soccer. Emme did great. She is thankfully very coordinated just like her Daddy! She loved it. Anything that girl can do to move and be with people, she is happy.
After soccer, you can imagine how hungry E was. So we met The Kieser's at Houlihans for dinner. There we had the worst dining experience we had had in a very long time. It took for ever and the waiter kept forgetting about us and called us "Dude". Maybe I am too old, but I am not "Dude".
Anyways, while at dinner, Holly and I decided to suprise Heidi with a new Poodle skirt for 50's day at school tomorrow. She is going to be shocked when she gets up in the morning to find a beautiful handmade Poodle skirt hanging on the closet door. Holly had gone out to find her a white button-up to wear with her jeans rolled up and bobby socks, but she did not think that was very cute, so she did not want to dress up. She said if she could pick it would be a beautiful pink poodle skirt. So that is just what we made. Holly made the skirt part and I freehanded a poodle with a diamond embellished collar and leash. Wish I could see her face in the morning!
Ok, so now I am in bed and getting excited for tomorrow when Emme goes to school and Daddy and I have some time to ourselves. Whoohoo!!!
Alright, I know I blogged a lot about today, but it was a good day. I hope to blog again tomorrow and I will post pics from the nail salon and soccer!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Miss Independent

Well, this morning, I told Emme to go get some clothes on so we could run some errands...and look what my very big girl picked out. She put on her pants and brought the shirt to me and said "it match?" I did not have the heart to tell her that it did not look so good together, so I pleased her and she was so proud. I mean, the shirt and pants both have pink in them!!!
Look close and you can see the pants are on inside out! She completed the outfit with turquoise flip-flops and a pink bow! She is so big. I even let her go inside the donut store to get a donut!
Now here she is at my favorite time...when she is sleeping!!! Last night Emme evidentally could not be out of the same room as me, so she pulled my big down comforter and my pillow onto the couch and fell asleep while I worked on the computer. Ahhhh, she was quiet. Her motor mouth runs constantly. She is such a girl, talking nonstop about anything and everything. Anyways, when I picked her up to take her to the bed, she was so upset because she wanted to sleep in the living room!
Ah, I just love her even though I would love to have earplugs installed in my ears!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prissy Britches

I cannot beleive that I have created such a prissy little girl. Last night we went to some friends house that live in Glen Rose. They live on acreage out in the country. Their little boy is four, Ryder. He is so cute and such a "Boy". He was running around in his underwear, riding his 4 wheeler, and catchin frogs. He kept trying to get Emme to touch the frog but she wouldn't. She would run over to us in fear of that frog.

They were really cute and we had a great time. Ryder gave emme a ride in his Gator tractor in his underwear. It was hilarious. They played in a big galvanized bucket of dog water and got down and dirty. As soon as we got into the car 10:45, Emme was snoozing. She played hard and had a blast. David and I also had a great time. Can't wait to return and take Emme to Fossil Rim and the Dinosaur Park.

Today, we will just hang out at home and recover from our busy week of school, swim lessons, programs, friends, and playing so that we can have a great next 2 days with Daddy playing in the dirt while we put in 6 flowerbeds in the backyard.