Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday was Emme's very first movie debut. We took her to see The Princess and the Frog. It was very cute. She got all dressed up and insisted on her navy and red apple shoes to wear with her Christmas dress because they matched....they had red in them!!! She packed her new Sleeping Beauty purse full of the nessecities, brush, lipstick, fake cell phone, McDonalds toy, and plenty of jewelry. We handed her $5 for her snacks at the movies, so she put it in her purse and acted like she was 16! She got to carry her own ticket in and pay the man when she ordered her own popcorn. She really thought she was very important stuff! Once in the movie, she got comfortable and enjoyed all the very long previews and finally the movie began. She did great for about an hour, then she needed a bathroom break and to run in the lobby. She did finish it out, but I really think hubby enjoyed the movie more than she did!!! Oh yes, only one picture from this special day, as I could not figure my cameras flash out. Very frustrating!
Thursday, Emme got to enjoy her class party at school. The parents were invited to join in on the fun and enjoy a small performance. I was ready with camera and video camera in hand. Even Daddy got to go too. All the kids were pumped. They had cupcakes, cookies, different cupcakes, candy canes, Hawaiin punch, received more goodies from all their friends, and a great gift from the teacher. Uh, and to think I was brave enough to let 3 extra little girls go home with me after all the sugar!!!!
The all were wearing their reindeer hats made from their foot print and hand prints.

All the kids presented their parents with this ornament they made from their fingerprints. I love it! I will forever decorate my tree with all the homemade ornaments!
Emme and Addy enjoying some more sugar!!!
Showing off a cookie!
I am going to attempt to attach a video of her song performance, so stay posted for it soon. Oh yes, the kids also got to serve the parents juice and cupcakes. They were so proud of themselves. Emme really has gotten into a great group of kiddos at a great school. Her teacher is great, and has to have a special gift to handle that group of energetic 3 and 4 years old!!! Thank you Jesus!

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