Monday, December 14, 2009

Catching Up

Shall we catch up? I will go through pictures for the month that lead up to today for our update!
Emme put on my sleep mask and said it was her bra. She is so funny! Emme also tried on Daddy's underpants!!

Emme posed on the ladder to the attic! Right after this picture she let go to adjust her hat and fell off! Oops!!

Miss Emme decorating the tree. It took me a while to get it together to actually decorate. I usually can't wait for Thanksgiving to be over, but this year I had a little trouble getting into gear. However, I did have all my Christmas shopping just about finished before Thanksgiving. Shopping is that part I love about Christmas!

Daddy helped Emme put the star on the tree.

Wylie held their annual Christmas Parade downtown. We love living in a small town, because they offer so many things to do during the holidays and Fall. It was more than cold at the parade. We ended up leaving early and headed for mexican food instead so we could warm up. We went with our good friends kristy and Tyler.
Me and my precious before the parade began. This picture actually made it to our Christmas card.
She was cold and probably a bit miserable, so she is doing her tooty face!

This was the other picture that made it to our card this year. She did so good. I was pleasantly surprised when she sat down, I took two pictures and this was the first and there was no bribery needed!
Today was her Christmas Show Off at Dance. She did everything but dance!! She stood there and smiled, giggled, dug in her nose, fell down, faked falling down, talked...and so on. We are wondering if we are wasting our money on tuition for her!! Hopefully she will improve before June when she has her big recital.
Here she fell down and thought that was fun, so she did it again!!
Emme and her good friend Addy. They are cute together and they also go to school together.
After the show, they got to have a party complete with cupcakes, 2 cookies, chips, Caprisun, and suckerss!! I was in ahh at how much sugar they were given.
After dance today, we headed to Northpark for some shopping and Christmas festivities. We got to see the dogs and cats for adoption. Emme loved that! But we are dog free right now and I do not plan on adding a pet to our family....ever!
We went to see the train exhibit. That was neat. Amazing how they can make everything so little! E had a great time. Don't you love the paper conductor hat??
Another pic by the animals.
View atop dad's shoulders.

Okay, do you think she is a diva or what!? This is her new stance when posing at anytime. I absolutely love it!!
While we were at the mall we saw Santa, but Emme would not get close. She says she is affraid of him and does not like his beard. We got to enjoy a puppet show. It was Emme's first puppet show and she called it a Poppit Show! She really liked and it was really on her level. If you haven't gone, you should go. It is all free except the trains!
I am planning to take her to see The Princess and the Frog on Wednesday, so pictures shall follow.
Well, excluding making memories with my daughter and hubby, my other favorite part of the day was when hubby let me open my present. I will post some pictures of my early Chrsitmas present. The absolute best ever!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, after a family dinner, we made chocolate chip cookies together too. I love, love, love family days! Best ever!

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