Thursday, June 26, 2008

Emme's Nose and Ears

Well, it is official, Emme is scheduled for an Adenoidectomy and Tubes in her ears on Monday morning at 7:30 am.
She of course has no idea what will be happening, but I still feel like I should do for her even more than before. So this afternoon we are going to have her toes painted red, white, and blue with stars! We are also going to go buy her a new nightgown she can wear to surgery. I think I will even let her pick it out!!
Keep us all in your prayers and even pray for her Doctor, Dr Theilen. He is a longtime family friend and has done this so many times before I am confident he will take special care of my precious baby girl.
Well, Emme is still playing in her bed and I know she is ready to get up, so until next time...


The Drama Mama said...

Alright girl....I am praying for you all. Sending lots of prayers your way (especially on Monday!).

Can I do anything for you? Maybe bring you guys dinner Monday night? Please let me know if you are interested...I would love to do it!

And, yes, when all this sickness ends we have got to get together!! Bridget (are you reading this??) YOU to! I miss you girls so much!

Hillin Household said...

We are good for Mon night. My parents are coming and so is David's mom. But, I would really like to see you soon.

The Drama Mama said...

Praying for all of you right now!!