Sunday, June 22, 2008

"The Beatitudes" Matthew 5:1-12

Have you ever read or heard a sermon on "The Beatitudes"? We have recently had each one gone over in church the last couple of Sundays, and they are so insprirational to live differently.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." This one is one of the hardest for me, this has helped me to look at "ME". I always want to be right, or have the best or neatest. I have begun looking at these things, and really pointing these things out to myself . Example, when I am on looking at the newest Louis Vuitton, I know I don't need one of these things, because more is not better! It makes me ask myself the question "When is enough, enough?
My pastor showed a clip from a 60 Minutes interview of the happiest country, Denmark, and they said there advise to The Americans, which ranked 23rd on the list of happiest countries, was to maybe not live the American Dream. The American Dream has been turned into who can have the most money or who can have the best and the most of the nicest "Things". They said they were happiest not having the most well paying jobs, but they were afforded the time to spend with their families.
I agree 100% that friends and family are much more important than "Things". I just have to work on this now. I am sure so many others do too. So take it from the Danes, more is definately not better, because it leaves you only wanting more and more. I am trying to live simplier and meek so that I can "inherit the earth".

1 comment:

The Drama Mama said...

Well said, Ms. Becca! I love this! It is so hard to remind yourself of this in the society we live in. Thanks for the reminder!