Friday, November 21, 2008


Well, E is sick again. Poor punkin can't stop coughing! Her nose is running, her eyes are miserable lookng and she coughs constantly.
We were up all night last night because the meidcine I gave her did not cause drowsiness, but it caused her to be more than alert. She was in bed with me and had to be right on top of me or her feet had to be in my face or her hand had to touch me in some way. When she wasn't playing with the alarm clock, she was dozing off or asking me " Momma, I watcha da TB?" That is Momma, I watch the TV? Too cute, but I sure am tired. She was ready for her "Oatmilk" (oatmeal) this moring after working so hard overnight.
After such a tough night, I just knew she would be ready for her afternoon nap early, so I put her down at 12pm. Yeah, she never went to sleep....I left her in there for 3 hours. When her crying got real, I went in there to rock her and calm her down, I was stroking her face and hair, and then when I quit, she stroked my cheek and hair. It was too sweet. I will forever remember that moment. I of course broke out in a cry so thankful for my precious baby.
This week has been a hard one....Emme has been testing me a ton, and I have been at witts end with her since I have been a single mom lately. Daddy has been working lots doing xmas lights and winter landscape, as well as, his regular Fireman job.
Say some prayers for tonight that we sleep soundly in our OWN beds.

1 comment:

The Drama Mama said...

Poor baby! Praying you all get some rest soon! I hope Emme's feeling better too!