Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, it has officially has begun....
Today was the last day of school for me and Ms. Emme. We had a fabulous time at our end of the year field day. Bounce house, face paint, sidewalk chalk, painting, and Pizza Party!!
This year was such a fun year for E. She grew so much and started to talk in full whole sentences. Which by the way, she never shuts up!!! (gotta love it) Emme had 2 fabulous teachers that showered her with so much love. Thanks Ms. Kim and Ms. Bottom ( Autumn)!
I had a new experience this school year too as the Pre-k teacher for Northplace Church. I never thought I could have the patience or the love it takes to be a teacher, but I pulled thru and made it. I was even sad today to say goodbye. It was a great experience, and made some great new friends to boot. Can't wait to keep in touch with them and let our kids play and grow together.
Well, we kicked off our summer with a nap, working in our veggie garden, and a bike ride to Aunt Holly's house. Tomorrow, Daddy is off to play with us. Picnic? Zoo? Who knows what all we have in store for Miss Emme this summer!

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