Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bedtime Nightmares

OMG, Emme is having the hardest time going to bed. She was sleeping perfectly in her own bed all night long until like 9 am. That was heaven for me...but that can't last forever. For the last couple of months she gets up around 7 or 7:30. That is fine too. Now she won't go to sleep. She is now only sleeping in our bed and we have to lay with her until she is out. The worst thing about that is that isn that I wake up with bruises on my ribs. Seriously, bad bruises.
What do i do?? I am longing for a good nights sleep, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
What I really want to do.... and for those of you reading without kiddos, you can already do this and you won't realize what a huge deal it is. Anyhow, I want to go and stay in a hotel all by myself. No kids, no husband, no dog, no phone, no to do list, no cleaning, no laundry, no breakfast, lunch, or dinner to make, no sippys to find, and no babies to put to bed. Just one night is all I am asking for. Oooo, you know, come to think of it, Mother's Day is coming up. I could do that. Oh wait, husband is working that day, so I will be on full blown duty that day too.
Well, one of these days I will work it into my schedule, so until then, I will keep doing what I do. I really do love my job as a Mommy and would not trade it for the world. It is the most fun and I am my own boss. I guess one good thing about E insisting I go to bed with her, is my day is over at 8 pm too.
It is bedtime!!!

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