Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prissy Britches

I cannot beleive that I have created such a prissy little girl. Last night we went to some friends house that live in Glen Rose. They live on acreage out in the country. Their little boy is four, Ryder. He is so cute and such a "Boy". He was running around in his underwear, riding his 4 wheeler, and catchin frogs. He kept trying to get Emme to touch the frog but she wouldn't. She would run over to us in fear of that frog.

They were really cute and we had a great time. Ryder gave emme a ride in his Gator tractor in his underwear. It was hilarious. They played in a big galvanized bucket of dog water and got down and dirty. As soon as we got into the car 10:45, Emme was snoozing. She played hard and had a blast. David and I also had a great time. Can't wait to return and take Emme to Fossil Rim and the Dinosaur Park.

Today, we will just hang out at home and recover from our busy week of school, swim lessons, programs, friends, and playing so that we can have a great next 2 days with Daddy playing in the dirt while we put in 6 flowerbeds in the backyard.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, it has officially has begun....
Today was the last day of school for me and Ms. Emme. We had a fabulous time at our end of the year field day. Bounce house, face paint, sidewalk chalk, painting, and Pizza Party!!
This year was such a fun year for E. She grew so much and started to talk in full whole sentences. Which by the way, she never shuts up!!! (gotta love it) Emme had 2 fabulous teachers that showered her with so much love. Thanks Ms. Kim and Ms. Bottom ( Autumn)!
I had a new experience this school year too as the Pre-k teacher for Northplace Church. I never thought I could have the patience or the love it takes to be a teacher, but I pulled thru and made it. I was even sad today to say goodbye. It was a great experience, and made some great new friends to boot. Can't wait to keep in touch with them and let our kids play and grow together.
Well, we kicked off our summer with a nap, working in our veggie garden, and a bike ride to Aunt Holly's house. Tomorrow, Daddy is off to play with us. Picnic? Zoo? Who knows what all we have in store for Miss Emme this summer!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Mommy I can't like Underwear"

The other day when we had such awful thunderstorms, it woke Emme and I from our nap. We were snuggly together in my bed and it was very dark, she woke up saying "Mommy, I can't like Underwear" It was so funny she was talking about the thunder. So we had underwear storms at our house! Oh and the can't like, she says she can't want to do something or can't like it! I love it.
Her new word this week is "kind of" She kinda has to potty or she kinda can't like that. I do love how she talks.
I am looking for ideas of things we can go and do. If you have any ideas, send them our way.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bedtime Nightmares

OMG, Emme is having the hardest time going to bed. She was sleeping perfectly in her own bed all night long until like 9 am. That was heaven for me...but that can't last forever. For the last couple of months she gets up around 7 or 7:30. That is fine too. Now she won't go to sleep. She is now only sleeping in our bed and we have to lay with her until she is out. The worst thing about that is that isn that I wake up with bruises on my ribs. Seriously, bad bruises.
What do i do?? I am longing for a good nights sleep, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
What I really want to do.... and for those of you reading without kiddos, you can already do this and you won't realize what a huge deal it is. Anyhow, I want to go and stay in a hotel all by myself. No kids, no husband, no dog, no phone, no to do list, no cleaning, no laundry, no breakfast, lunch, or dinner to make, no sippys to find, and no babies to put to bed. Just one night is all I am asking for. Oooo, you know, come to think of it, Mother's Day is coming up. I could do that. Oh wait, husband is working that day, so I will be on full blown duty that day too.
Well, one of these days I will work it into my schedule, so until then, I will keep doing what I do. I really do love my job as a Mommy and would not trade it for the world. It is the most fun and I am my own boss. I guess one good thing about E insisting I go to bed with her, is my day is over at 8 pm too.
It is bedtime!!!