Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back-up a few days.

Friday before we left for my parents, Emme and I met a couple of my girlfriends for lunch at PF Changs and a much needed catch-up session. It was so much fun getting to see all the girls and find out what is happening in their very busy lives. It is absolutley crazy to see these girls I grew up with and played house and babies with to now when they are married and are really Mommys. I am sure these are the friends I will always keep up with. I may not see or talk to every month, but I will always keep in touch. They are neat and now very versatile clan.
The Gang back together for lunch.
Miss Aubrie and Miss Emme

Miss Aubrie and Mommy Ginny

Shannon, 2 mo old Kennedy, Mandy, and Tanisha


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